SGA kicked off their first “Whine Week,” a tabling event where students are encouraged to voice their complaints and concerns about the college to their student government representatives. The event will culminate in a “Whine and Cheese Social” this Friday from 7-9 p.m. in the Seegers Union Great Room.

A banner, saying “What would you like to see our school accomplish, both now and in the future?” was available for students to write down their “whines” and subsequently be entered into a raffle to win a set of AirPod Pros.

“Whine week was necessary because one of the primary jobs of SGA is to be present and responsive to student interests and to communicate those interests to faculty, staff and administration”

By just the second day of the event, the banner already contained a wide array of suggestions.

“Pay tour guides!,” “more student parking,” “more vegetarian and vegan options,” “better desks in Moyer!,” “Dhall open before 10 on weekend,” “Dhall open later on weekends please,” “diversity of professors” and “create more diversity initiatives” were just a selection of the complaints, but the most popular request by far appeared to be for free laundry on campus.

“Currently I’m chairing a committee looking into better ways of doing laundry along with members of administration and staff,” SGA representative Nicholas Gregg Rubingh ‘20 explained. ”Having these responses from so many students is excellent, as we can bring them to the committee to show how big of a pressing concern this is among students and how this should be a priority for Muhlenberg to address.”

”Having these responses from so many students is excellent, as we can bring them to the committee to show how big of a pressing concern this is among students and how this should be a priority for Muhlenberg to address”

Danica Schofer ‘22, the SGA Student Engagement Chair, was instrumental in planning this event, and expressed why she feels this program is so important.

“Whine week was necessary because one of the primary jobs of SGA is to be present and responsive to student interests and to communicate those interests to faculty, staff and administration,” said Schofer. “Just as importantly, we are looking for ways to inspire a greater sense of community for our student body … We hope to establish events similar to this in the future.”

Laura is a sophomore Media and Communication student in the Pre Law program. In addition to being News Editor at the Weekly, she is a DJ at Muhlenberg's radio station WMUH.


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