SGA Presidential Candidate Endorsement


Over the past few years, Muhlenberg’s Student Government Association (SGA) has taken significant strides in improving its responsiveness to student concerns. They are sponsoring more social events, financially supporting club sports and have helped in constructing college policies that affect us daily — especially with respect to tank tops in the gym, a long-fought battle for SGA. In many respects, it has truly become the representative organization that our student body deserves.

In addition, our staff was impressed that all candidates acknowledged that transparency continues to be an issue for SGA. There is still room for improvement in that respect, and so regardless of which candidate wins next week, we look forward to seeing how SGA tackles communicating with students moving forward.

Yet, there is still significant progress to be made: SGA can still be frustratingly inaccessible to students, with those issues of transparency still at the forefront. And for far too many, it is still nothing more than a bank for clubs – they make two annual withdrawals and otherwise ignore.

It is with these sentiments in mind that the Editorial Board of The Muhlenberg Weekly endorses Kyle Moore for SGA president.

Moore has offered several concrete and achievable improvements for his term with respect to college administration accountability and social life. To be fair, all candidates offered reasonable goals, but what struck our staff most about Moore was his humility.

“I never really wanted to be president,” Moore said in our interview. “We all say we [SGA] want to do great things, but hardly anything actually gets done. The main reason I want to be president is because I want to get stuff done.”

We’re confident an SGA led by Moore will do just that.

The Muhlenberg Weekly's Editorial Board is comprised of the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor(s) and Section Editors, one of whom writes the editorial. Material appearing without a byline represents the majority opinion of the Editorial Board.


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