BergVotes wants you to vote!

Students celebrate an action-packed National Voter Registration Day

Veda Bridgelal '23 tells BergVotes why she's voting

National Voter Registration Day marks the fourth Tuesday of every September. On Sept. 22, BergVotes celebrated the occasion by hosting a series of events throughout the day, helping students with the registration process and emphasizing the importance of voter participation in the upcoming Nov. election. 

BergVotes members offered both in-person and virtual registration services all day to accommodate students residing on or off campus. The club ended the day’s festivities with a virtual political trivia game and prizes.  

More than 100 students made a pledge to vote and many were eager to share their personal motivations for doing so. 

“In these times, BergVotes is working it’s best to be a resource both on and off campus to the Muhlenberg community.”

Cydney Wilson ‘23, vice president of BergVotes, says “I was so excited to see how many students shared the importance of voting and encouraged their peers to register to do so. Hopefully we can keep the momentum going until November 3rd.”

“It was amazing to see the social media turnout and support from across the community,” said Ryan Abrams ‘23, BergVotes social media chair.  

“We had an excellent turnout to both our virtual voting Q/A as well as our on campus registration. Special thanks to Jonah Adamcik and the Muhlenberg Activities Council for their help with the virtual trivia,” emphasized Kyle Ropski ‘22, BergVotes president. 

The excitement surrounding the national holiday provided optimism for future events and projects during a time like no other at Muhlenberg. 

“One of our most positive highlights of the day was our increased reach on social media,” said Ropski. “Hopefully we can continue to use these outlets as a way to increase awareness on the importance of voting, provide answers to student questions, and ultimately increase turnout on campus in future years.”

BergVotes remains committed to their mission of voting education and registration. 

“In these times, BergVotes is working its best to be a resource both on and off campus to the Muhlenberg community,” concluded Ropski. 

The Pennsylvania voter registration deadline is Oct. 19, and the deadline to request absentee or mail-in ballots is Oct. 27. Students who are living outside of Pennsylvania but registered on campus need to apply for an absentee ballot, while those living in PA can apply for a mail-in ballot.

More than 100 students made a pledge to vote and many were eager to share their personal motivations for doing so. 

“Hopefully we can continue to use these outlets as a way to increase awareness on the importance of voting, provide answers to student questions, and ultimately increase turnout on campus in future years.”

BergVotes remains committed to their mission of voting education and registration. 

“In these times, BergVotes is working its best to be a resource both on and off campus to the Muhlenberg community,” concluded Ropski. 

The Pennsylvania voter registration deadline is Oct. 19, and the deadline to request absentee or mail-in ballots is Oct. 27. Students who are living outside of Pennsylvania but registered on campus need to apply for an absentee ballot, while those living in PA can apply for a mail-in ballot.

Sophie is a the news editor of The Muhlenberg Weekly. She is a junior majoring in International Studies and minoring in French. If you see her around campus, she might accidentally start talking to you in a British accent...she’s trying to stop that.


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