Weekly trivia event highlights themes from “The Office”


The Muhlenberg Activities Council (MAC) has made an effort to facilitate student-to-student interactions with weekly trivia contests. The activity is simple and open to any past or current Muhlenberg students. However, only current students can win prizes. The trivia begins at 3pm each Friday through Zoom and players use the Kahoot mobile app to answer the questions and try to win a grand prize. For The Office trivia on Friday, September 18, the first prize winner received an Office inspired swag bag, second place won a GrubHub gift card for $25 and third place walked away with an Amazon gift card for $15.

Jonah Adamcik, the program manager for student events, stated, “For the month of September we are doing Trivia every Friday at 3, and then for October we will be doing it every Friday at 6. Our trivia events cover a wide range of topics; everything from general knowledge to TV shows, sports and video games. Trivia is sponsored by the Muhlenberg Activities Council, and their goal is to provide fun events and experiences for the Muhlenberg student community.”

The event was fun, welcoming and a moment to use Zoom other than to join a class. The welcoming atmosphere was immediately established when someone joined because no one was required to turn on their cameras unless they would like to–which is nice since not everyone is comfortable with showing their face.

 Some students decided to play all together, while respecting social distancing and wearing masks, by joining under one Zoom caller. The chat is another great feature since people get to connect and describe their thoughts or reactions to the questions and environment. One student even mentioned how much they enjoyed the variety of questions and the chat was used by different peers to share their agreement.

The Office is so popular that one student even had a Dunder Mifflin mask, the fictional paper company in Scranton, PA, where the show takes place. Each question and section related to the show, moving between general knowledge, colors, and even the Dundie Awards. Color questions challenged participants to remember the color of the infamous jellos in the show. Team-building questions made everyone recall iconic moments between the characters. Questions related to topics including identifying the person who left a horrible odor in Michael’s office or naming the famous comedian who played ‘Broccoli Rob’.

Students really enjoy this brief moment of unity and chance to have fun with the possibility of winning a fantastic prize. Rose Romano ‘24 said, “What I like about trivia is that it’s in a new subject every week, so even if I wasn’t interested in the topic the week before, there’s always potential in the following weeks. It’s also a fun little breather from all the work I have to get done on Fridays, especially since it’s in the afternoon.” 

She also said, “I think it is a great way to interact within a community because it brings people with common interests together, or can serve as a conversation starter with someone you saw there (for example, this interview here)! I would just keep up bringing new and unique topics to be quizzed on.”

Adamcik declared, “I would recommend that if anyone ever wants to get involved with things like our trivia events–or other fun events in general–that they should get involved with the Activities Council (MAC).”

 If you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries please contact Jonah Adamcik (JonahAdamcik@muhlenberg.edu) and/or the Director of SOLE (Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement), Ellen Lentine (EllenLentine@muhlenberg.edu). Don’t forget to follow MAC on Instagram @MuhlenbergActivitiesCouncil and the next trivia event is tomorrow, 9/25, on general knowledge!

Danny Milkis '23 is a Media & Communication student at Muhlenberg who has a specific interest in writing and journalism. In high school, he took part in extracurricular writing whenever possible, and received a Metropolitan Award nomination for his work as a Student Performing Arts Critic. He is ecstatic to have joined the staff of talented writers and editors at the Muhlenberg Weekly, and is excited to learn from this wonderful group of knowledgeable individuals throughout his time at Muhlenberg.


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