A love letter to Halloween on College Campus’


It’s a waning crescent day

In a brisk month of 2022

And two old ladies step out of a car

One of those rectangles of a car

And the tallest one’s silver hair stays so still

She is in charge, the hair is not the only tell

She holds the other 




And a pair of dollar store cat ears

Fluffy black tail rolled up and tucked into her back pocket

Face me

Ginger tufts of curls only coming up to her nose

And she fixes the ornamental ears on top

Spins her gently

Like they’ve been getting ready together forever

And they have


Back of dress zippers

What about these shoes

You can’t pull off those pants, I love you, I do  


But the pants just aren’t you

I want them to be 

I know

A tail clipped to the back of the women’s jeans

It takes a long time with shaky hands

As the cold of the street stays

When they want to leave

They walk together

Put together 

With mismatched sneakers stepping simultaneously

Too many stories featuring each other 

A look shared

And I don’t know what it means 

Too much 

In one moment



Many cars and costumes

I hold my youth 

Weight in the forging lines on my palm

Other side only a vague inclination 

Give me more 

Ask me what they share in a look

Ask me again 


Again Again

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