
I miss the feeling of

mental lightness.

Of when my head didn’t feel so heavy.

Of when it didn’t feel like

someone’s dropping a small marble inside my skull

with every anxious thought




and ultimately snapping my neck

from the unbearable weight.

I want to hold the core understanding of peace of mind

in the center of my heart and lock it in with my ribs.

The peace of having


but air

swim through the coils of my brain.

The peace that comes from having clarity and sureness

drizzle and drip down my spine like warm, sticky honey.

The peace of not having to run along

side a racing mind,

only to realize 

that the only thing I’m running to catch up to is what

I’ve been fighting to hold onto like an escaping firefly:



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Mustafa '23 is planning on majoring in Sociology with a double minor in Africana Studies and Creative Writing. While he's the editor for the Op/Ed section for The Muhlenberg Weekly, he's also an advocate for marginalized communities, specifically for queer communities and communities of color. He's also a lover of poetry and plans on going into a career of journalism post-college.



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