

Tiny horoscopes for a tiny campus

Aquarius: You still haven’t hung up half your dorm decor. Get on that friend, it’s been three weeks.

Pisces: Do NOT eat that dizza (dining hall pizza)! It’s not the pizza, it’s you. 

Aries: Start asking yourself why your NYT Mini score is still over sixty seconds. I know you do it every day. 

Taurus: So proud of you for debuting your back-to-school shoes! But they’re starting to smell now. Put on those shower shoes instead for a change.

Gemini: Your Instagram feed needs more chartreuse. Start taking pictures of chartreuse things. 

Cancer: Grab a MAC Stuff-A-Plush. You’re gonna need it this week. 

Leo: We get it, you had a summer birthday. Grab a cupcake from Dhall and stop trying to throw a party.

Virgo: Rock ‘n’ Roll McDonalds. You know what I mean. 

Libra: Brat summer had to end eventually. Time to retire the lime, baby. 

Scorpio: Sabrina Carpenter loves you too. Get that new shaken espresso from Java Joe. It’s what she would’ve wanted.

Sagittarius: You look pretty today. 

Capricorn: Remember to send your family pictures of you having fun! But crop wisely, you’ll thank me later 🙂

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