Hitting the green


The Muhlenberg golf teams are in the midst of their spring seasons, as both the men’s and women’s teams participated in tournaments this past weekend. The men’s team traveled to Franklin & Marshall College, while the women traveled to Millersville University.  

The men’s and women’s teams both spent some time hitting the green over spring break and their matchups this past weekend were some of the major events since coming off of the break. Alex McCauley ‘26 talked about the approach of the team since spring break ended: “Since spring break, we have really settled into our practice schedule. People are going to the course to play more than I have ever seen, especially the newer team members. Spring break was a warm-up, we were just getting loose and remembering how to generally play golf. Kicking off the cobwebs, if you will. Now we are more focused on tournament play, how to avoid difficult situations, and strategies for specific courses we will play.” McCauley and the rest of the team are focused on what’s to come for the rest of the season.

Kaylin Foss ‘25 talked about some of the goals the team has for the rest of the season. “Our team goals are mostly to gain as much insight about our game as possible,” said Foss. “Through playing at other tournaments we can gauge what we need to work on the most before the centennial conferences.” Foss seems committed to showing that the Mules have a place to play as the Centennial Conference (CC) championship approaches. 

While the whole team wants to succeed in the CC tournament, each player on the team has some individual goals as well. McCauley noted, “Individually, I am continuing to work on focus. I know I can hit the shots I need to score and place well, it’s just a matter of committing to the shot. Recently, I have been trying to change the dialogue in my head during my pre-shot routine. I acknowledge that bad shots can happen, but they won’t, because I know I’m a better player than that. I’m also trying to improve every aspect of my game equally so nothing gets forgotten.”

Although the women’s team is smaller than the men’s in rostered players, both sides are committed to the same goal– helping to win the CC championship. Foss said, “We have a lot of new golfers so I think we’re focusing a lot on team bonding and helping each other out. Some of the girls haven’t played golf competitively for some time or let alone at all so it’s important to be there for one another and help out when needed.” Team bonding seems to be a big part of the group dynamic so everyone can support each other on and off the green.

As the season continues, the team has a positive outlook for what is ahead. McCauley said, “Our team is focused on improving our tournament play every day. We try to practice like we’re in a tournament and really focus on every shot we need to make. Goals for the team at the conference championship include finishing in a better spot than last year. The teams in our conference continue to underestimate us, hopefully, we can show them why they are wrong.”

The Mules are well-positioned to make a push in the CC playoffs, as they look to bring home a trophy for Muhlenberg to create history in Allentown. Aron Gianchandani ‘24 said, ”One big team goal heading into the CC Championship is getting to know the golf course so we can hit good enough shots into each hole.”


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