Getting to know Christian Johansson

Johansson will be the speaker at the GCE commencement ceremony

Selfie of Christian Johansson Photo By Christian Johansson

The commencement speaker for the 2023 Muhlenberg Graduate and Continuing Education ceremony has been named, and it is Christian Johansson ‘23. Johansson, who got his undergraduate degree in chemistry from Muhlenberg, decided to get his master’s in applied analytics from the College as well.

When asked about how he was chosen to be the speaker, he said “I had a scheduled appointment with my Continuing Education Program advisor to go over questions regarding the May commencement ceremony. During that conversation, I was told that they had been following my academic progress and they made the offer to speak at the ceremony.” 

According to Johansson, “It was quite flattering to be chosen for the opportunity and unexpected. I knew it would mean a lot to my family and give myself the chance to thank the program for its support all these years.” 

While he does not have a concrete idea of what he will speak about yet, he has some ideas and key points he wants to hit on. Ultimately, Johansson said that he wants “My college reflections to show the non-traditional perspective of being an adult college student, while highlighting the lengths the College goes to to provide ease of access and assistance like myself.”

Matthew '24 is a philosophy and political thought major on the pre-law track.


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