Paige’s page


Hey, besties! Welcome to this week’s edition of Paige’s Page! This week we are going to talk about relationships! I have never been in a relationship so this should certainly be an interesting journey for all of us, but I am so excited to get to answer your more personal questions. Let’s get started!

Hey, Paige! How do I stop getting the “ick?” 

Hey, bestie! I love this question because I feel so bad about getting the “ick” too! For those of you who may not know what I am talking about, here is a quick definition for the cultural phenomenon of the “ick:” The “ick” is a feeling of absolute disgust that one may experience when interacting with a potential partner that makes them unable to further the relationship. The “ick” can be so many different things. Maybe it’s that they chew really loudly or wear socks and sandals, or they drink milk. Those are some of mine (just some clues for those who may be in love with me), but maybe you have different ones and that’s totally normal. I think to stop getting the “ick,” you have to decide if all of the positive qualities of your potential partner outweigh the feeling of the “ick.” And ultimately if it doesn’t, then that isn’t your person. There are a million fish in the sea, wait for the one to swim to you. But if you can look past the “ick” and you find yourself in a happy and healthy relationship then you have beat the “ick!” Congratulations! If they break your heart down the line, remember all of the potential “icks” you have looked past, feel embarrassed for maybe five minutes and then confidently move on, babe! It works, trust me.

Paige, how do I maintain meaningful connection and conversation with a potential romantic interest? 

Hey, bestie! I think the key to this is to be present with them in whatever way you can; whether that is in person, on FaceTime, on the phone, whatever works for you. I am not the best when it comes to texting; any of my friends would verify that for you. However, I know how to be present and that is one of the strongest qualities in my relationships. You can ask them about the things you know they are passionate about. I love seeing people that I love talking about things that make them happy. There is nothing better than watching someone’s eyes light up when they tell you about something they may not get to talk a lot about. Another thing that can help is planning fun experience-type dates. Maybe walking through the rose gardens, or mini-golfing can bring you closer. Creating memories together can strengthen relationships. Get the surface-level things over with early on, stay off your phone around them, make time for them! The most important thing you can do is make them know that you want to be around them and that you enjoy being around them. 

Hey girl, how do you meet guys on campus?

Hey, bestie! This is a fantastic question! When you find out, let me know <3. 

You can submit questions to It will also be linked in my Instagram bio— @paigeweisburg and in the @BergWeekly Instagram Linktree.

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