How deep and how broad are the links which tie together the alumni of Muhlenberg? Do graduates of years long gone still have anything in common with those on whose sheepskin the ink is hardly dry? The answers to these questions were vividly played out during this year’s Homecoming weekend. They involved Richard Miller ‘56 and Greg Kantor ‘18. During their undergraduate years at the college, both men served as editor-in-chief of the MUHLENBERG WEEKLY for two consecutive years.

The contact between Kantor and Miller began in 2016 when the 1950’s editor wrote to the undergraduate editor, expressing appreciation for the high quality of the current WEEKLY.

Occasional correspondence ended upon Kantor’s graduation in 2018. A few days before this year’s Homecoming, Kantor emailed the elder editor, indicating his plans to be on campus that weekend, and expressing the hope that they might meet up with one another.

The get-together took place on Saturday afternoon. Surrounded by an oblivious rush of alumni and undergrads, the two men sat together, separated by two generations but bound together by their journalistic experiences at Muhlenberg. In the course of their conversation, Miller shared with Kantor some particularly noteworthy artifacts of his day and before. Among them were the article he wrote when co-education was announced in 1953, an April Fool’s issue of the mid-50’s and an original copy of the WEEKLY from the mid-1930’s when his own father was editor-in-chief of the college paper.

The elder alumnus expressed his opinion that the WEEKLY of today is a better publication than that over which he presided. It involves a far broader range of student opinion and covers both campus and other current issues in greater depth. So how broad and how deep are the links between the generations of men and women who have passed through the doors of Muhlenberg? Some would say, you cannot imagine.

Richard Miller ‘56

It is the policy of The Muhlenberg Weekly to foster relationships with its readership, including through discourse in its Opinion/Editorial section. Therefore, members of the College Community are encouraged to submit Letters to the Editor on any topic of interest to Muhlenberg, in direct reference to an article or otherwise.


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