Fun With Science’s “Fun with Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” brings timely Halloween humor


In the current age of Zoom performances and club meetings, Muhlenberg clubs and activities have been working together to create unique experiences to keep people connected and celebrate events – both related to on-campus activities and holidays, such as Halloween. While this has proven to be more difficult for many students and organizations, many are making it work in fun and creative ways. For example, Muhlenberg’s sketch comedy group, Fun with Science, hosted one of its first shows of the 2020-2021 semester via Youtube Live. The show was full of timely humor, and provided some much-needed nostalgia for homesick students.

While most of the group is studying remotely, they were able to collaborate to create a variety of skits, both related to Halloween and other topics, and present it to the ‘Berg community just in time for the holiday season. The show itself was pre-recorded using a variety of techniques including Zoom calls and personal equipment available in each of their houses. This allowed for each person to have unique segments and ideas that were recorded both on and off campus grounds. 

The group worked together to ensure the event was a ‘treat’ rather than a ‘trick’, although there was some discussion of more serious matters throughout the night. There were a few nods to the Presidential election on November 3rd and the members’ own hopes and anxieties regarding its potential outcome. Many community members connected and bonded over Election Day concerns, and discussed plans and ideas about how to process the reality, no matter the results.

Some lighthearted highlights of the recording include, but are not limited to:

  • A recurring segment between longer skits that involved each member of the group answering the door for a trick or treater in their own way, with some giving candy and others instead giving their dog or dismissing the person.
  • Some of the other skits included a satire on the concept of uninvited guests within a Zoom call, A nod to older Activia commercials from the late 2000’s and early 2010’s, A ghost dinner party complete with a piano-based musical element and a mock cooking show
  • One skit focuses on campus-related jokes and activities, such as some workload and the difficulties many face when trying to scan into buildings. The skit also makes a slight nod to current circumstances due to the pandemic rendering most classes virtual and other activities either restricted or not possible during the fall semester.
  • The group, for the grand finale, collaborated on a Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer Halloween parody with a pumpkin they refer to as Rusty.

These are some of the many noticeable highlights of the many within the show, and their unique and distinctive efforts to put on a strong performance over Zoom is apparent from start to finish. While there were jokes about implied technical difficulties, their performance serves as a great reminder to the Muhlenberg community not only to be determined and aware that the current situation is only temporary.

Fun With Science, while primarily putting on in-person events when campus is fully opened, has also made efforts to remain active during online courses and the current age of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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