Women’s soccer celebrates their 14 seniors

Photo by Assistant Photo Editor Kira Bretsky '27.

The Muhlenberg women’s Soccer team honored their 14 seniors on Saturday, Oct. 21, on Varsity Field in a competition against Washington College. Despite a passionate comeback, the Mules fell short of the Shorewomen in a 3-2 loss. However, this outcome did not impact the day’s significance or what it embodied for the entire team. 

Senior Day encompasses an immense amount of emotions for seniors celebrating one of their last athletic competitions and underclassmen honoring their leaders’ final hurrah. Bri Astbury ‘24 recounts these unforgettable moments and their impact, saying, “Senior Day is always a day filled with emotions. From the minute you walk into the locker room, you’re being celebrated by your underclassmen with decorations, posters and dancing. The energy level was different than it ever has been before and that showed on the field.” 

Senior Captain Olivia Oberman ‘24 echoes these thoughts. “Saturday turned out to be such a beautiful day for us to compete as a team on our home turf. The fourteen of us have made memories here that will last a lifetime and it was definitely bittersweet to have that nostalgic feeling on the back of our minds all day. It felt so special to play alongside our families on the sidelines, while they reminisced about all the little moments along our soccer journeys that lead up to our college senior day. Our parents, coaches, the juniors and the underclassmen put in so much effort to make the day even more memorable for us. We will never forget it.”

Whether able to fully compete or sidelined by injury, the importance of the day was contagious. Lexi Sipos ‘24 reflects on the game’s meaning to her as an injured player unable to fully participate in the game. “The day embodied more than just a game. It was a day for the seniors and for the team to come together and be thankful for everyone’s work to play this sport. From the sidelines, I was able to see everyone’s hard work from practice come out in the game. I was so proud of everyone and to be on this team with these amazing girls. With tears in my eyes, I looked at everyone and was grateful to be here with this team, coaching staff and families.” Sipos is one of three seniors with a season-ending injury. All were still honored for their four years of dedication and hard work by starting the game alongside their classmates and were removed shortly after the opening whistle. 

Resilience is a characteristic of this team and one that shined brightly on Senior Day, with the Mules’ second goal of the game coming at the 84-minute mark. Astbury recalls the action taken by the team to exemplify this characteristic. “After being down 2-0 at half, we all came together and decided we wanted to take control of the game. Scoring those two comeback goals were huge for us, I know I’ll never forget how I felt in those moments. We were all just having fun. The final result was unfortunate, but the positive energy and excitement that I felt when we scored those goals are definitely things that I won’t forget.” 

Head Coach Kathy Prescott continues to explain how their resilience can be credited to the team’s season-long goal of winning and additional Senior Day excitement. This helped to create a naturally competitive environment where the team found themselves able to ignite their enduring spirit. “Our goal as a team is always to compete at the highest level we can and try to win. It was a great atmosphere with so much support from all of the family and friends in attendance and I hope that the seniors and the team felt that support before, during and after the game. As has been our goal all season I hope that in every game we play we continue to learn and grow and recognize the progress that we are continuing to make.” 

Coach Prescott also expressed appreciation to the entire team for making the day full of unforgettable memories and special moments amongst such a strong unit. “I’d like to thank the seniors for all of their contributions to the program and also thank all the younger players for helping make the day so special for them.”

Regardless of any outcome, this day proved to be more than just a game, but rather an unforgettable day for the senior class, their families, and the entire Muhlenberg Women’s Soccer team. “The post-game celebration that was put together by the junior class and their parents was beautiful. It was definitely something that made Senior Day a night my family, teammates and I will cherish forever,” says Astbury. 


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