Back in the swing of things

Golf ready to hit the links as soon as the snow melts


The Muhlenberg College golf team has been anxiously gearing up and waiting for the start of the season. After a rough season last semester, both the men’s and women’s are optimistic and looking forward to bouncing back.

With that competitive edge in mind, many of the golfers are looking for a change in the upcoming spring season. Coming off of the fall season, the entire team is looking forward to taking that energy and turning it into titles.

Last season, the women’s team ended with a win at the Lady Dutchmen Fall Invitational, a tournament held in the Lehigh Valley. With the weather getting warmer, and the hope of a snowless rest of the year, both the men’s and women’s golf teams are eager to get back onto the greens and out of the training room.

“Hopefully all this snow will subside and we will be able to get out onto the course soon,” said Aine Filler ‘19. With the difficult weather, the team has been relying on the indoor simulator, allowing them to practice at any golf course throughout the country. Filler aims high, wanting her final season as a Muhlenberg golfer to be a memorable one. “Nothing would be better than rounding out my college career with a championship win and a trip down to Nationals in late May.”

For the men’s team, the goal is exactly the same. The success for the men’s team is something Ben Lieberman ‘19 plans to see. After not playing the fall season due to injury, Lieberman plans to jump right back into where he left off. “We have a young team but everyone can play, and knows how to win, so we’re looking forward to a successful spring.” Lieberman has faith in the talent that his team holds, aiming high for the spring semester.  

With the same mentality in mind, Coach John Librick is helping the players mentally and physically gear up for the spring season. “None of the players were happy with the Fall golf season results. I know they can improve and they believe this as well.”

Tiger Woods said it best…no matter how good you get you can always get better. Golfers need to motivate themselves with positive self talk.

Coach Librick, who wants his team to rise above the slump they were in, understands that golf is also a mental sport. “Tiger Woods said it best…no matter how good you get you can always get better. Golfers need to motivate themselves with positive self talk.” Librick stresses the importance of a positive outlook going into the spring season and wants his players to push themselves and attain their full potential.

Librick has high expectations, which is no surprise. He knows the talent that his team holds, and understands that with just some self confidence and practice, they can achieve anything.

Personal goals are helping both Lieberman and Filler as well as Coach Librick. Both Lieberman and Filler are aiming high, wanting to use the competitive edge of the conference they are in to win some titles. While Coach Librick also shares the same desires as his players, he intends on helping each player strengthen their own game and make them feel more comfortable on the greens.

As the days of practicing with the simulator grow smaller, the men’s and women’s golf teams look forward to working hard and earning those division titles.

Coach Librick as well everyone else is excited to see how the team advances and are ready to see just how far they can go this spring season.

Samantha Brenner is a sophomore and a Jewish Studies major and English Minor. When she is not writing for the Muhlenberg Weekly sports, she can be found watching her favorite teams on TV, the Rangers, Knicks, Giants, and Mets, hanging out with her sorority sisters, or at Wegmans.


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