Even with the semester well underway, many new student organizations have been formed on campus. These new extracurricular additions include the Planned Parenthood Generation club (PPGen) and Myths N Mules, among others. Although a schoolwide activities fair was held back in early September, there are plenty of new options for students to join and explore.
For those who are activist-inclined and are passionate about reproductive justice and educating the greater campus community, look no further than the Planned Parenthood Generation club. Founded by Cydney Wilson ‘23 this club aims to serve and educate. Wilson, who currently serves as the club’s president, encourages conversations around reproductive rights on a community, state and national level. She has made it a priority to address the recent legislation that is being adopted in many states, such as Texas, where abortion is now outlawed as early as six weeks into the mother’s pregnancy. With the convenient location of Planned Parenthood’s Allentown Health Center only minutes from campus coupled with these current laws, there is no better time for the club’s inception.
As a political science and women’s, gender and sexuality studies student, Wilson brings much knowledge, expertise and dedication to the club. As a summer intern at Planned Parenthood Keystone—which serves central and Eastern Pennsylvania—she served on the Racial and Social Justice Committee. Wilson described this as a defining experience because it gave her exposure to “new, important and innovative forms of activism.” Similarly, Wilson hopes to take action from a multitude of angles through advocacy work. She has held training for students to learn to volunteer at local medical centers and shared opportunities for students to attend rallies together as a group. The Feminist Collective organized a bus to take students to a rally in Bethlehem on Oct. 2, which members of PPGen joined. Congresswoman Susan Wild spoke at the rally. To help make events like these a success, Wilson works closely with a Planned Parenthood Keystone employee to learn more about the organization and exchange essential educational materials and information in order to prepare for the club’s activity.
“I hope that in Allentown, in Pennsylvania and across the country, this impact will be felt in the wake of the detrimental laws being passed at the moment,” Wilson reports. “I am so excited to see the Muhlenberg community come together to make this club a success and to see more activism and support for reproductive rights on Muhlenberg’s campus and organize events on campus, too.”
Wilson also hopes to work alongside the Feminist Collective and the Student Government Association to push for menstrual products being provided in many of Muhlenberg’s bathrooms.
“I am so excited to see the Muhlenberg community come together to make this club a success and to see more activism and support for reproductive rights on Muhlenberg’s campus and organize events on campus, too.”
Cydney Wilson ’23
Another club, Myths N Mules, inspired by the popular Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) game, was founded during the pandemic when a community of students came together consistently to play the game. Founded by Trevor Noone ‘24, the club aims to serve as a network for students, alumni and faculty to start and join games to play and connect together, regardless of experience level. What started out originally as a post on the Class of 2024 Facebook page about creating a group chat for those interested in DnD grew into a much larger Discord server that now features over 130 active members. After establishing a temporary leadership team, drafting club bylaws and gaining prominence on social media, the club began to take form for the first time in person since the pandemic.
“We are thrilled to be starting our first fully operational year after being forced to be online for so long! We’re already had several events this semester including a kick-off and a workshop, and additionally, have started sending out email blasts as well. Recently, just a few weeks ago, we also just launched our club website!” Myths N Mules Publicity Coordinator Emma Walter ‘24 exclaimed. Interested potential members can visit https://mythsnmules.erw.bergbuilds.domains/ to learn more about their mission and club membership.
“We are thrilled to be starting our first fully operational year after being forced to be online for so long!”
Emma Walter ‘24
For all students who are interested in starting their own club on campus, they must undergo a process involving the Student Government Association (SGA) and SGA advisor, Ellen Lentine. Interested students must present their club to the SGA during a General Assembly Meeting, where the General Assembly later votes on it and decides on the denial or approval of a potential club. During this semester alone, at least six potential clubs have proposed their club ideas and goals, all of which have been approved. New clubs include Doodleberg, Skate club, Historical Dress Society and Model United Nations club.
“I think this process really helps getting students interacting and engaging with SGA,” SGA President Zaire Carter ‘22 stated. “In terms of funding, historically, SGA has been the bank. We can’t just hope that image goes away. We have to be deliberate and intentional with our actions if we want it to change. I think this is one way that will help to dismantle that image. While clubs are here, we also ask them a few questions about what they would need from us in terms of funding, support and resources. We also tend to ask about the longevity of the club, to ensure that the club leadership and membership doesn’t dissolve once members graduate. This has been a great way for students to get first-hand engagement with SGA, to bring more students into the process.”
For those looking to start the club formation process, they must submit a form for approval, then attend an SGA meeting held on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. in the Great Room.