i wish i could celebrate menstruation

Photo Credit to @blonde_bandit69 on twitter
Photo Credit to @blonde_bandit69 on twitter

sometimes i wish that

my heating pad would burn right through me

down through skin, layer by layer

through muscle and blood vessels

until the flames reach the accursed organ:

the uterus, that horrid thing

as i lie in bed

headphones clasped tight over my ears

longing to feel anything but this pain

i imagine the flames devouring

Every. Inch.

ripping through muscle and tissue

roaring through the uterine lining

up the fallopian tubes

leaping from the fimbriae

and wrapping its scarlet fingertips around my ovaries

until there is nothing left but ash

and then



what i wouldn’t give

for the chance to have one month

without this all-consuming pain

but i want kids one day

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