ATR x DTD Present Clishae and Delta P

Muhlenberg band Delta P and Clishae from Virginia performed at the Delta Tau Delta House on Nov. 4.

Photo courtesy of A-town Records

A-town Records (ATR), a student-run label and music association and the fraternity Delta Tau Delta (DTD) held a collab event on Nov. 4. The indie/rock band Clishae from Richmond, Virginia, and Delta P performed at the DTD house. 

When asked about why Clishae was invited to Muhlenberg, Festival Coordinator for ATR Emma Ash ‘24 said, “Clishae is a Virginia-based band made up of four people. There’s Vinny, the lead guitarist, Cam, who is also a guitarist, Jaren who is the bassist and Dylan who is the drummer. And they are all our age, so I thought it would be really cool to bring a band that came from Muhlapalooza [ATR’s fall ‘23 music festival] and they had a wonderful reception. Everyone who watched them loved their energy, so I wanted to bring them back– and I happen to manage the band so it’s a cool connection. They were able to come here and play music to a really excited crowd. I think the way they perform, the infectious energy they have when they perform is vibrant and electric. I loved watching everyone’s faces light up in excitement and joy, they really know how to command a stage. And they had a blast on stage, and they said it was one of the best crowds they performed for.”

Having a collaboration with a fraternity can seem like a surprising collaboration, however, Ash expressed that “The choice to collaborate with DTD came from a music festival DTD hosted a few years ago in the Red Doors. I really loved and still love their drive to be a place for students to go for live music. So I met with Sully Grace ‘24 [DTD president] over the summer [to plan] this concert and [Grace] was all for it. So it was really great to work with the whole group of them because they’re all so passionate about music. And it’s so great to have ATR, who’s also really passionate about uplifting voices and musicians, specifically uplifting musicians voices on campus, also providing a space for like college-aged kids from other bands or from other schools as they see it, so DTD was all for it. And I’m really glad that it worked out.”

Label Director of ATR Daisy Cunningham ‘25 stated, “Hopefully this will lead the way for more house bands to have opportunities to play on campus, and to expand the live music scene at the college.” 

ATR Production Assistant and audience member Marilyn Rajesh ‘26 said, “Clishae is such an awesome band and I’m so glad I got to see them perform! ATR and DTD did such a great job of hosting such an amazing event! I am now following Clishae on Spotify and it’s inspiring to see original music, that’s so cool.” 

Audience member Isabella Metzger ‘24 stated, “It was a really fun time! It was really nice to experience live music on campus— I think that there’s a lot of opportunities for musicians on campus in the sense of theater and a capella, but there’s not as many opportunities for things like rock music or garage bands. It was really cool that the DTD and ATR gave that opportunity to both an on-campus band (that consists of Muhlenberg students) and an off-campus band (that doesn’t consist of Muhlenberg students). Both bands (Delta P and Clishae) were really talented and I had a great time dancing with my friends to their sets!”

Grace stated in reflection, “The DTD x ATR x Clishae party was perhaps the most spectacular thing I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing. Live music has always been a core value of [the] Theta Chi chapter, and we’re thrilled to bring it back to Muhlenberg. All the guys in Clishae are incredible and I look forward to partnering with ATR again in the near future.”

Ash voiced, “By bringing bands to campus, I think ATR really wants to accomplish having a lively music scene, or wants to add to the lively music scene of campus. Kind of like what WMUH does by bringing in bands and also like all the student performers on campus too– I think bringing outside bands to campus kind of stems from Muhlapalooza. Last year, when we brought in bands it was just so cool to see how the student body responded to that and really embraced the bands. And this really celebrated music. So I mean, by bringing bands to campus, it is totally for the students and to make sure that there’s more live music on campus.”

Shaiyan Feisal '26 is a neuroscience major with a minor in public health. She enjoys writing news and arts & culture pieces to highlight the various voices among the student body and show the variety of commodities Muhlenberg has to offer. When she isn't writing, she enjoys reading murder mystery novels and painting.


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