Last week, Awa returned to work after recovering from a foot injury. Ian Adler/The Muhlenberg Weekly

To the Muhlenberg community, she’s more than just a radiant, smiling face at the swipes counter at the entrance to Wood Dining Commons.

Napkins all along the Napkin Board illuminate with phrases such as “Awa is back! Best day ever!” For her ability to memroize almost everyone’s name, Awa Faye has become a piece of the incredible Muhlenberg experience.

Greeting the hundreds of people each day is what Awa knows best – she always puts on a huge smile regardless of the time of day. And so, at first glance, you would never know that Awa is on the brink of recovery from having major foot surgery.

Over the summer, Awa was visiting her sister in Senegal, her native country, where she injured her foot. Upon seeing a doctor in Senegal, she was assured that she would be okay.

However, upon returning to the United States, Awa visited a new doctor who, after seeing her and doing some imaging, determined that she needed surgery.

“It took a long time to get help, but I’m here!” said Awa, glistening with a big smile on her face. Despite her return to work, Awa is continuing to do physical therapy twice a week as a part of her recovery.

“I missed it a lot here, that’s why I came back,” added Awa with excitement. “I missed the students. There are very nice kids here and I have a lot of friends – they are like my second family. Muhlenberg is family for me.”

The dining hall staff and faculty are not the only people around campus who missed Awa. Students were absolutely delighted to see the friendly face return.

“I love her. The day she came back I was so happy, she put the biggest smile on my face and we had a whole conversation for like ten minutes and she remembered my name,” said Lauren Padko ‘20. “She has this thing where she makes you feel special. She always brings 100% positivity.”

“She is definitely my favorite worker here,” said Jimmy Franton ‘20. “It made my day when I saw her when she came back. We talked for awhile and she is just simply great.”

Next time you walk in the Wood Dining Commons, say hi to Awa; her smiling, friendly face will be sure to make your day.

The positive energy that she brings to Muhlenberg is one that the whole community appreciates and is grateful to see again.

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